Far North Culture Muster is on again!
Thursday 15 March 2012
Far North Culture Muster is on again!

Arts Nexus is the peak development agency for the creative sectors and communities of Tropical North Queensland. Through strategic programs, research and advocacy they grow and raise awareness of our region's arts and cultural development.
Arts Nexus connects artists, creative producers, organisations, enterprises and communities. Their knowledge of the region and networks makes them an effective conduit for communities, governments and industries.
They are once again running the Far North Culture muster this year, which is being staged at Pullman Reef Hotel in Cairns on Friday 20th and Saturday 21st April.
This years Culture Muster has 4 Key areas that we want to focus on:
Sector Awareness
How does the creative sector in North QLD perceive itself? What is the image that the sector would like to project for itself? What problems exist within the sector, regarding the need for positive awareness and image?
Better Networking
What are the existing networking opportunities? What are the impediments to successful networking events? Who are the likely partners to support and present networking opportunities in North QLD?
Growing the Creative sector
Which aspects of the creative sector are growing? Which are not? What are the factors involved in successful growth? How is growth measured, and is there a difference between quality/desired growth and problematic/undesired growth in the sector?
Sharing Resources
What are the primary resources needs among the sector (cash, equipment, marketing, information, technology, production support, personnel)? How can new and existing resources, particularly those that might support the sector, be identified across the community? What are existing examples of resource sharing and partnership? What are the barriers to successful resource
Read more of today's news. Check out The Newsport home page.
There is a new section on Saturday morning where artists/performers can exhibit, demonstrate and perform. This is a great opportunity for council to see first hand the skills that practitioners can bring to a region for performance or workshops. Where the organisers are hoping that artists from all areas will come to strut their stuff!
Register your interest in attending on the Friday, Saturday or both days) with Arts Nexus email: joomla@artsnexus.com.au
Friday 20 April 2012, 10am-4pm
Saturday 21 April 9am-1:30pm
Location: Pullman Reef Hotel
RSVP essential for catering purposes
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