Waterfront demolition imminent

Thursday 7 June 2012

Waterfront demolition imminent

Demolition of disused buildings along the Port Douglas waterfront is set to start this month, opening up the area for public use.

Cairns Regional Council last week awarded the contracts for demolition works to Breakthrough (NQ) Pty Ltd.

Four buildings on Ashford Avenue and Dixie Street, along with walkways and pontoon structures fronting these buildings will be removed.

This will pave the way for the return of the waterfront as public space in accordance with the Port Douglas Master Plan.

“The buildings are old and not considered suitable for ongoing tenancy and demolition would mean better public access to the waterfront areas, as is the intention of the Master Plan,” Mayor Bob Manning said.

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“Once demolition is complete, Council will lay turf and bring the area to a standard suitable for public use.

“Council has placed conditions on the works that will minimise any public impact while they are being carried out.”

Demolition is expected to be complete by the end of July, with remediation works to then take place over several weeks.

Division 10 Councillor Julia Leu said the benefits of the project will likely be seen later in the year.

“This project will open up that section of waterfront for public use in time for the solar eclipse in November, when every bit of open space will be in demand,” Cr Leu said.

“This is the first step to revitalising our town and ensuring residents and visitors can enjoy our waterfront precinct.”