Trying times for Crocs

Tuesday 5 June 2012

Trying times for Crocs

Port Douglas Crocs played host to Cairns Saints on Saturday at the Croc Pit.  The Reserves match was played in drizzling rain which made the ball as slippery as an eel. 

Fortunately the weather improved and the Seniors match went ahead in dry, calm, but cold conditions.
The match commenced at a crackerjack pace with the Saints displaying a little more finesse especially inside their forward 50 zone and they kept the scoreboard ticking over. 
Gavin Jacks, Mark Nuggin and Dylin Wearmouth were doing their utmost to keep the Crocs in touch and their efforts inspired their team mates to deny the opposition the chance to bombard the goals.

Kurt Bradshaw produced his usual elusive magic, dodging, weaving and delivering the ball meticulously with both right and left foot.  Unfortunately for the Crocs, the Saints managed to get first use of the ball too frequently which limited the Crocs' chances to go forward. 
By half time the Crocs were in trouble but, to the players great credit they persisted with their commitment in the second half, and although defeated, were able to hold their heads high. 

The Crocs not only prevented a scoring blow-out, they also managed to kick three goals for the half and made the Saints earn every possession. 

Final Scores
Port Douglas 4-7-31 were def. by Cairns Saints 18-19-127.
Goal kickers: R. Hanley.  M. Lane.  J. Butler.  K. Cadman. 
Best:  D. Wearmouth.  M. Nuggin.  G. Jacks. K. Bradshaw.  K. Cadman.  J. Smith.

Unfortunately the Crocs' Reserves were so depleted by ongoing injuries to their players they were able to field only 16 men. 

The wet, slippery conditions made handling the greasy ball difficult.  Like the Senior team, the Reserves players displayed a never say die spirit and insisted that the Saints boys earned every kick.

Players such as John Caswell, Pat Barnett, Heath Willis and Keith Taylor put in a sterling effort. Well done. 

Final Scores
Port Douglas 1-0-6 were def. by Cairns Saints 17-17-119.
Goal kicker: J. Wilkie.
Best: J. Caswell.  P. Barnett.  J. Wilkie.  H. Willis.  J. Lowe.  K. Taylor.

Go Crocs!
Organisation is well under way for our Ladies Luncheon and Crocs in Frocks night.  It will be a cracker of a night on the 23 June.  Ladies bookings are through Sharon Gallery or Ally - don't miss out.
There are no games at all next week.  On Saturday 16 June the Crocs will play Manunda Hawks at Cazalys in Cairns.  Please come and lend your support.

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