Sharks' nap costly in Under 15s

Tuesday 5 June 2012

Sharks' nap costly in Under 15s


It was great to see such enthusiasm displayed by the Under 7 Sharkies this week at Redlynch. 

In their first game against Razorbacks no tries were scored due to great tackling by both teams. In the second against Silverbacks David Neller pushed the opposition's defence to the limit and ended up coming away with two well-deserved tries. 

Matthias Jackonia also scored a great try on the day.  Well done, boys!  Dakota Santarossa was awarded Man of the Match this week for his fast running off the line of defence to make a whopping thirteen tackles for his team. 

Coach’s Award goes to Saxon Vizard for an awesome game in both attack and defence.


Mossman Under 9s had a great game on Saturday in very muddy conditions.  Just holding onto the ball was hard enough but the entire team played well. 

Matty Graves played his normal game taking the ball up solidly and Heath Duncan pulling off some great tackles.  Braxton was his usual elusive self and doing some good covering defence. 

Jimmy Smith was the standout performer on the day with some amazing runs down the side line and deserved the Man of the Match award.


The Under 11s came up against a very committed Razorbacks on their home turf but again the local boys' defence, especially on their line, proved to be the difference with a 12-10 win. 

They were led by captain of the day and Man of the Match Caleb Ross whose defence was outstanding in shutting down the opposition back line. 

Also, Zeclen Grogan Ryan, Lachlan Buzza and Billy Kadwell met forwards with impressive front on defence.   Sean DeMunk’s move into forwards led to courageous hit ups. 

Coach's mention to Kyle Solomon who turned up to play his best for his team every week as does Lamar Enoch who handled plenty of traffic down his side solidly.

Under 12s played at Smithfield against a well drilled suburbs team.  The boys put up a gallant effort with great tackling by Campbell Alan, Ryley Jenkins and William Brown. 

The drizzling rain didn’t stop Lennox Schonenberger and Cody Port who were brilliant in both attack and defence.   The five eight Trazane Cobb set up his team mate and put Austin Tahley across the line for a great try. 

It was the boys' first loss for the season. The final score was 4-10 to Suburbs. Man of the match was Campbell Alan and the Coach's Award went to Cody Port.


The mighty Under 13s took on Ivanhoes on Saturday and dished out another crushing defeat, winning 30-12.

The wet weather seemed to cause the boys to drop a bit more ball and the Ivanhoes were up to their niggly best in defence, so the boys had to work a little harder to get the two points.

However, when the Sharks kept their cool they were able to find the line easily with Lachie Wilson grabbing himself a triple.

Man of the match was Dylan Sorensen and player’s player was Wayne Oui.

The Under 15 Sharks travelled to Mann St last Friday night to take on the Redlynch Razorbacks for the second time this season.

With several players unavailable, the opportunity for bench players to move into the starting line-up was on offer, and with a reshuffled line up the boys were keen as mustard to continue their winning streak.

Instructions before the game were to play as fast as we can and make the big Redlynch forward pack work.

In greasy conditions there was dropped ball from both teams early in the game, but when the Sharks got an opportunity, Hambone McLean used his bulk and barged over from dummy half to put first points on the board for the Sharks.

Quinlyn Cannon was again outstanding at halfback creating loads of opportunity for his outside backs and is proving to be one the best defenders in the team chopping down forwards twice his size.

“Mr Damage” Curtis Hober smashed everything that ran near him inviting the opposition to run at him, while Jaggar Ablett put in another non-stop effort, exhausting himself in defence and attack.

Levi Williams and Jake Todd both scored before halftime to make the score 16-0.

The second half saw the Sharks maintain their intensity in the forwards, but it was the efforts of our outside backs that deserve praise.

Redlynch decided to go wide and attack the flanks of the Sharks looking to score some points. Wynn Adams stopped the Pigs' attack on several occasions with some gutsy defence and showed clean hands scooping up the ball off kicks to his wing.

Issac Winspear was awesome at fullback and Taheega Savage was rock solid on his wing pulling off some great tackles on his larger opposition and Ethan Ross continually does a great job out wide.

However, the Sharks went to sleep in the last ten minutes and Redylnch scored three tries making the final score 24-18. Other try scorers were Quinlyn and Dwar Creek.

Jake McComack was Man of the Match for his massive effort in defence which saw several Redlynch forwards leave the field, and he worked hard for the full game showing improved fitness from his hard work put in at training.

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