Run Marathons - Week 2

Friday 8 June 2012

Run Marathons - Week 2

If you missed Week 1 of the Solar Eclipse Marathon training schedule, a week by week guide to get you in shape for the biggest running event this area has seen this November, don’t worry, the Week 2 program and advice delivers the same detailed information as Week 1.

For those of you who dutifully made the undertaking to follow the program from the very beginning it's more of the same this week.

Actin Fitness' Nick Carling is leading the way, getting locals involved and promoting a healthy lifestyle. If you want to join his Opens external link in new windowSolar Eclipse Marathon Training Squad, or just want to find out more, join him at the Port Douglas Sports Complex on Saturday morning at 6am for a free session where he'll show you the tips and techniques to make you a champion runner.

Jess Coleman is one local who has her eyes on the November 14 prize.

"I completed the Coral Coast Triathlon just two weeks ago with the support from the guys at Actin Fitness and I loved it! So I am since hooked and can’t wait for our next event," she said.

The Solar Eclipse Marathon Training Squad is looking for businesses to sponsor them to ensure a strong local presence on race day.

"Wouldn’t it be great to see hundreds of locals all wearing these great team singlets – representing the region?" Jess said.

If you'd like to get on board as a sponsor or member of the training squad contact Nick Carling 0410 094 283.

For information about the race visit the Solar Eclipse Marathon website.

Week 2

When embarking on an endurance program, recovery is vitally important. The more damage we do the more time healing we need. So the goal needs to be to first of all “Limit the damage”.

As a runner there are three things you can do to limit the damage:

1. Limit impact on joints

Not as easy as good footwear. In fact the more cushioning underfoot the more we tend to stomp. Understanding how this, along with good technique, is vital and we are holding technique sessions on Saturdays for the next few weeks to help you master this art.

2. Frequency

Doing a two hour run may take three days to recover from, but doing a one hour run may only take one.

As such, doing a one hour run each day will allow for more mileage and less damage than doing a two hour run a couple of times a week. This makes frequency of training so important.

3. Warm up/Cool down

Warming up allows for all your energy producing organs to be prepared for the work ahead. Likewise, cooling down allows for the removal of lactic acid and other harmful by products of muscle use.

A properly conducted warm up and cool down involves a slow elevation of heart rate and a slow decline in heart rate over a period of time. This is essential for good recover and performance.

Actin Fitness and Spinewise take no responsibility for any injury, illness, loss or damage to public property incurred as a result of this program. Participants undertake this program solely at their own risk. Consult your GP before undertaking this program.

Week 2 Program

Missed a week? Find it in our Sport Archive.