RDA under fire

Tuesday 12 June 2012

RDA under fire

Federal Member for Leichhardt Warren Entsch has taken aim at Regional Development Australia following last week's RDA round of funding announcement.

Mr Entsch highlighted that out of the total round two grants worth $200 million, $33.6 million has gone to Queensland projects with a Torres Strait sea wall project the only one to receive funding north of Mackay.

“Again, we have been let down by the RDA process – it shows that it’s nothing more than a scam,” Mr Entsch said. 
“It’s farcical the way that they’re raising people’s expectations, but after two rounds of RDA there is still absolutely nothing for far northern Australia.

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“Anyone would have thought there were no regions north of Mackay because most of the money still went into the south east corner.  But then they drip-feed a small amount with a proviso of matching state funding, which guarantees that it will never be delivered.”

Mr Entsch said that the $35.3 million Port Douglas waterfront overhaul and proposal for David Marriner's arts, exposition and conference centre at the Sheraton Mirage was of a number of worthy investments in Far North Queensland not to receive funding.

“If any of these projects were to make it through this RDA process it would have made a significant difference."