Passionate people give vision

Friday 29 June 2012

Passionate people give vision

The push for change continues. With a meeting of local retailers being held this morning, local businessman Frank Frikker provides some insight into progress being made in other areas, including the establishment of a shared vision concept for Port Douglas.

Mr Frikker told The Newsport the concept started "as a talk between friends" with all in agreeance that immediate action was required. He said the publication of parts of the MBS report created a momentum that should be capitalised on.

Here's what Mr Frikker had to say. 

A group of passionate, local business owners got together with the intention to generate concepts and ideas that help getting Port Douglas back on track.

The need for real change seems evident and the timing right. Change includes efforts from all areas of our business community. The whole is greater than the sum of all parts. With our contribution we aim to complement the efforts of Chamber of Commerce (CoC) and Tourism Port Douglas and Daintree (TPDD).

We listed a number of steps that seem to be most urgent. Top of the list is the creation of a shared vision for the Douglas business community. Without such a vision all other activities will probably lack focus and therefore eventually fail.

How can we define what kind of structure we need for leadership and business development if we don't have a shared image of what this region stands for and what it wants to be in 10 years’ time?

How can we define valid objectives if we haven't yet agreed where these shall lead us to?

How can we discuss what funds we need and from whom without knowing what our product is going to look like in 2022?

We believe that it is absolutely vital that the business community of Port Douglas defines its own vision first before other actions towards change are taken.

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Visions, by nature, are somewhat general and they paint a picture of what one aims to achieve at some point in the future. However, it is written as if one has already achieved it.

We have been guided by examples of other cities and companies around the world. Our brief vision is supported by guiding principles.

The group developed a vision draft that aims to cover all necessary aspects and challenges. This vision does not claim to be the one and only. This draft aims at kicking off a discussion among businesses of how the final shared vision should look like.

A Opens external link in new windowFacebook page has been set up to collect constructive comments and ideas. We suggest not to look too much at semantics but to always keep the bigger picture in mind.

We have shared this vision draft with CoC and TPDD first and have basically received positive feedback. Please follow this link to the Facebook Page, read the draft and leave your comments on the wall.

Once a vision shared by most has been established, the challenge lies in the work to achieve this goal. By moving towards the vision change automatically will happen. We did the first step. Now we need your input to take the next.

Frank Frikker
Group Spokesperson