Netball competition heats up

Thursday 7 June 2012

Netball competition heats up

by Alfina Tolentini

Division one saw Cougars take on Crocs 1. Despite Cougars only having six players they fought long and hard to win possession and shoot goals.

However, it was good enough to keep up with the strong defensive and attacking side of the Crocs. The final score was 25-14.

The next game was between Young Guns and Rattle ‘N’ Hum. The game was quick for both teams with numerous turnovers. The quick passages of play saw Young Guns dominate, winning three of the four quarters over Rattle. Final score was 38-16.

In Division 2 Ring Ins and Gunnars battled hard to win the game. Ring Ins started off strongly winning the first quarter 3-0. Throughout the whole game Gunnars showed great defence and forced numerous turnovers.

Despite of their efforts, Ring Ins came off as the team on top to win the game 11-6.  

The second game for the night in Division 2 saw Jets play Crocs 2. It was a tough game between both teams, with close margins each quarter. Jets' strong defence saw numerous opportunities for their shooters to shoot goals. Regardless of Crocs' efforts, Jets were too strong and won the game 38-20.

The Division 3 teams were out in force with Reptos playing Wolverines in the first game. Despite Wolverines only having six players, they stepped up and made Reptos work hard for their win.

Wolverines made numerous intercepts but Reptos' fitness and skill saw them make clear passages of play to the circle. Final score was 22- 15. 

The last game of the night saw Breakers play Bits ‘N’ Pieces. Breakers are still finding their feet as they begin to gel as a team, while Bits ‘N’ Pieces used their experience to fight hard to keep Breakers’ score down. The final score was 16-3.

Next week DNA will be holding their AGM at 6pm. All teams are asked to be punctual as DNA would like to start on time. Games will still commence at 6:30pm.

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