Mossman Bowls results

Thursday 14 June 2012

Mossman Bowls results

Men’s Results
This week’s round of the Club Selected Threes competition was won by K Pitt, C Andreassen and C Maxted who defeated A Christie, R Edwards and N Tesch 20-16.

In social competition D Head, M Boundy and T Brylack drew with R Williamson, T Pisot and Kiwi 22 all, and G Marsh, G Wilmot and J Fary def. Dick Pitt, R Gard and J Girgenti 15-14.

In other matches B Davey, G McLean and P Gorsuch def. J Maxwell, Zilly and E Verdi 22-18 and the meat trays went to A Boundy, L Valentine and J Bull who defeated B Barabas, G Bolton and D Blain 23-15.
This Saturday will be Jackpot social bowls as usual with a 1pm start so please remember to register by midday. On Sunday Handicap singles competition will be G Bolton +2 vs G Wilmot +3, J Sellars +4 vs D Pitt -3, and R Ashford +2 vs R Gard +2.
Ladies Results
In consistency, Zina Girgenti (155) defeated Val Robinson (125), Greta Kessler (156) defeated Jan Gard (124), Carmen Bolton (150) defeated Maree Crees (150) and Maria Mijo (150) defeated Bev Zillfleisch (110).

Social bowls was also played with winners beign Jean Marsh, Dorothy Slater and Estelle O’Rourke (20) defeating Robin Petrus, Val Franzi and Jenny Avis (9) and Maureen Tucker, Carole Maxted, Val Sharpe and Joan Day defeated Denise Highland, Clair Holloway and Sonia Edwards (11).

The raffle was won by an excited Val Sharpe.

Today is meeting day beginning at 10.30am. Both comp and social players are reminded of the 1pm start and names in by 12 noon please.

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