Leu joins Economic Development group

Wednesday 13 June 2012

Leu joins Economic Development group

A new committee structure is being introduced for Cairns Regional Council covering six key areas - Planning and Sustainability, Community Services, Economic Development, Governance, Infrastructure and Water and Waste.

While the Planning and Sustainability Committee will comprise the full Council, the remaining five groups will consist of four Councillors plus the Mayor.

Division 10 councillor Julia Leu will sit on the Economic Development and Governance (formerly Finance and Administration) committees, but says she will keep a close eye on the activities of all six committees.

"I'm very happy to be appointed to the Economic Development committee. Economic development is a very important committee in the economic climate we have at the moment," she said.

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"My intention is that I'll go to every committee, particularly in the first few months, to see how it goes."

She said it was important to note councillors will have the opportunity to be heard on issues discussed by committees they are not a member of.

"What I'm pleased about is that the decisions of the committees will still need to go to an Ordinary Meeting.

"If I'm not on a committee and there's an issue that is important to Division 10, I then have an opportunity at an Ordinary Meeting to have input."

Committee meetings will remain open to the public, however, apart from Planning and Sustainability, will now be held in the Committee Room on Level 3 of the Spence Street Administration Building.

Ordinary Meetings and Planning and Sustainability Committee meetings will continue to be held in the Council Chambers, while an Ordinary Meeting has been scheduled to be held at the Mossman Council Chambers on August 22.

Committee representation:

Planning and Sustainability – all Councillors, Deputy Mayor Cr James chair
Community Services – Cr O’Halloran chair, Cr Bates, Cr Pyne, Cr Richardson, Cr Manning
Economic Development – Cr Manning chair, Cr Brain, Cr Cooper, Cr James, Cr Leu
Governance – Cr Cooper chair, Cr Leu, Cr Richardson, Cr Schilling, Cr Manning
Infrastructure – Cr Schilling chair, Cr Fennell, Cr James, Cr Pyne, Cr Manning
Water and Waste – Cr Bates chair, Cr Brain, Cr Fennell, Cr O’Halloran, Cr Manning