Junior netball wrap up

Thursday 7 June 2012

Junior netball wrap up


Douglas Junior Netball started with the 10/Under Gladiators taking on the under-strength Wildcatz on Court 1 with a scoreless first quarter.

Scoring opened in the second quarter with excellent attacking from the Gladiators producing one goal.  Jenna Kerswell and Georgia McCarthy for the Gladiators were strong in the centre court.

Wildcatz defence was impressive with McKenzie Booth and Jasmin Dodds both having fantastic games.  Myah Lowenstein-Jones, also for Wildcatz, proved to be invaluable in GD, however, it wasn't enough with the Gladiators scoring 4 more goals in the remaining 2 quarters. 

Final score: Gladiators 5 def. Wildcats nil. Keeley Poole for Gladiators was awarded Best & Fairest. 

Match report Alex Heidke 

Court 2 saw the Net Set Go girls playing the Pythons in a combined game for some great fun and skill-learning netball. 

The Python girls really helped the younger up-and-coming netballers with their court skills. There were some definite standouts from Net Set Go! Micheala Nesbit proved her skills in the goal ring, a definite goal shooter in the making. 

Edie Thurtell again showed her skills around the court and Alyssa Jones gave it her all!  Overall a fun and fast game. 

Final score: Net Set Go 3 def Pythons 1. 

Match report by Jodi "A' Hepner

The 12/Under competition on Court 1 was played between the Diamonds and the Miallo Allstars, and both teams came out strongly with Miallo turning over the Diamonds' centre pass to score the first goal. 

The Diamonds settled down with a strong defensive game and managed to pull ahead.  The Miallo girls fought hard with some nice defence from Matilda Mellows and Jenna Kerswell (up from 10s). 

The Diamonds proved to be too strong with accurate shooting by Piper Adams and Bonnie Francis, increasing their lead in the second quarter. 

Mia Devine-Cameron was great in defence for the Diamonds and for the Allstars Ellie McKay and Lana Baxter worked well through the centre.  Jaime Thurtell for Diamonds showed real improvment in attack. 

Overall both teams showed sportsmanship and it was a very enjoyable game to watch.  Final score Diamonds 16 def. Allstars 5. 

The Poison Apples took on the Red Hot Peppers on Court 2. For the Apples Tiah McLean played well covering the whole court and working well feeding the ball around goal. 

Ella Dodds was aggressive in defence with great intercepts, and Sascha Lowenstein-Jones shot well for goal and was getting the intercepts. 

The Peppers made the older side work for their win. Faith Kempster was great in defence and Keeley Harold used her height well in the fight for rebounds. Kiara Mae Gaddes and Shimea Walker attacked well to get the ball down to goal.  Final score Apples 13 def. Peppers 1. 

The 14-16/Under competition on Court 1 started with the 12/Under Reps playing the Dynamite. The 12s team, all being two years younger than the Dynamite girls, put up a good fight but the Dynamite's experience and precision shooting from Bronte Lowenstein-Jones and Marley Cairns were too strong. 

The 12/Under Reps showed a strong defensive game that resulted in them scoring at least once in each quarter.  For the Reps Tiah McLean and Lana Baxter's combined speed kept the ball moving. 

Final score Dynamite 28 def. Reps 6. 

The Vipers played the Fusion on Court 2 and the Vipers started the match with 5 quick goals thanks to the sharp shooting of Jeorgia Westgate and Taylor Killeen.

The game continued with a fast pace with the Vipers winning 11 Goals to 1.  Players choice for Vipers were Jade Schuck and Saisha Schonenberger and for Fusion Lauren Radcliffe.  

The Breakers played the Sapphires on Court 3 and the game started with the Sapphires playing well together as a team keeping the ball in their attacking half creating plenty of opportunities at goal. 

The Breakers fought hard, intercepting well and gaining possession of the ball but were forced to play a defensive game against their older opponents. 

Final score Sapphires 12 def. Breakers 3.  Best & Fairest Jess Viola and Lauren Ryan and Player's choice was Vanessa Wood and Daisy Hawkes.
Thanks to Umpires Tiah McLean, Keely Harold, Sascha Lowenstein-Jones, Cartier Bennett, Marley Cairns, Eleisha Mealing, Tayler Durie, Saisha Schonenberger, Maddy Weaver, Holly Brown, Rochelle Miller, Kahlee Tesch, Karla Logan, Grace Walker and to Umpire Mentors Marta Smith, Lyn Kinraide, Corinne Durie, Cassandra Hill.
The Douglas Netball Association will hold its AGM next Tuesday at 6pm, all members and players should attend. AGM notice, positions vacant and nomination forms are available by email stay@beachterraces.com.au or phone Sharon Beechey 4099 4998.

Should you wish to nominate for a position on the committee, all positions are open and new committee personal are welcome.

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