Ironman trading in question

Thursday 14 June 2012

Ironman trading in question

The second running of Challenge/Ironman Cairns bought hundreds of athletes through the streets of Port Douglas in one of the most gruelling events in the nation, but the collective benefit to Port Douglas remains unknown.

While thousands gathered in Cairns to witness the international field take on the 3.8km swim, 180km cycle, and 42.2km run, injecting an estimated $14 million into their economy, little is known about the benefit, if any, to Port Douglas.

Access to town remained opened via changed traffic conditions, however one hospitality business owner claimed that patronage was well down on a usual trading Sunday.

"The historic figures from the two years of the event show trading down 50 per cent on that day (Sunday)," said the Ironbar's Steve Hull.

But Mr Hull was quick to add that his business experienced "record breaking" trade in the days following the event.

"Our figures show a huge jump after the event. It (Ironman Cairns) does have some upside. It's the actual day which is a concern."

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Mr Hull canvassed some local business owners and Sunday market stalls holders to gauge their level of trade on the day of the event.

He said business had slowed for the accommodation and tour boat operators he spoke with, and while there were some market stall holders who chose not to trade on day, many of those who did were kept busy.

In the absence of official figures, Mr Hull was keen to obtain feedback from other businesses in Port Douglas about their experience on day of Ironman Cairns.

Do you own a business in Port Douglas? Did you open on the day of Ironman Cairns? If so, how did you fare? If not, why not? Tell us below.

Home page image by Joel Van Kalken.