Inside Mossman - Mossman Moppets

Monday 4 June 2012

Inside Mossman - Mossman Moppets

The `Mossman Moppets’ is the endearing name for our Friday morning Playgroup which meets at the Community Centre Cottage at 20 Mill Street, from 9.30am to 11.30am.

The Playgroup officially opened on 21 October 2010 and commenced operating with a Playgroup Coordinator in March 2011 and has continued to grow.

In 2010 The Mossman Community Centre in conjunction with a community partnership with Lend Lease known as `Springboard’ and community volunteers developed the Playgroup.

The Community Centre had the building known as the cottage. A child safe fence was erected, toys and educational materials were sourced, sandpit built, gardens enhanced, local parents were engaged to be involved, flyers and promotional material produced and funding sought to operate the Playgroup.

The Playgroup Association of Queensland funded and supported the first 12 months of operation and the Supported Playgroup Development Worker was Eleanor George.

Further funding was received by the Inger Rice Foundation, a small organisation that seeks to fund incorporated organisations involved with supporting relationships between young children and their families/carers.

A new Development Worker was appointed, Casey Kemp, as Eleanor resigned due to starting her own family.

The Mossman Community Centre offers support, information and counselling services (funded by the Queensland Government, Department of Communities) and sees the role of the Playgroup as a very important service to our target group.

The aim of the Development Worker is to assist parents and families to develop skills and confidence. We are confident that the Playgroup will be an established activity at the Community Centre for the long term.

We look forward to welcoming new families with children under five to our Friday morning Playgroup.

For more information contact the Mossman Community Centre on 4098 2005.

Jill Bradley is the Community Development Officer for Douglas Shire Community Services Association

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