Consistent Crees wins ladies bowls

Thursday 7 June 2012

Consistent Crees wins ladies bowls

Men’s Results

A very close game with a nail biting finish saw the conclusion of the fours final competition on Saturday. Congratulations go to P Jenssen, C Andreeson, Kiwi and C Maxted who got up against S Parkes, J Sellers, J Girgenti and T Brylack with a 20-16 win.

In championship threes competition A Christie, R Edwards and N Tesch won the round against Dick Pitt, A McDonald and R Ashford 20-16.

In social bowls P Liddle, T Elcoate and P Cleary def. P Morrison, G Wilmont and G Bolton 19-18, M Radloff, D Head and D Blain def. K Pitt, R Williamson and Zilly 23-19 and the winners of the day were J Maxwell, T Pitt and P Gorsuch who defeated B Davies, R Pitt and J Bull 22-13.

In Singles B Grade competition on Sunday R Ashford def. S Parkes and N Tesch defeated G Wilmot.

Next weekend’s club selected championship threes will be played on Saturday with A Christie, E Edwards and N Tesch to play K Pitt, C Andreeson and C Maxted.

Ladies Results

Consistency continues with winners being Maree Crees (151) defeating Estelle O’Rourke (149), Carmen Bolton (150) defeating Margaret Cooper (140), Zina Girgenti won on a forfeit from Dot Kossi and Jan Gard also won on a forfeit from Val Sharpe.

On Thursday 7 June Val Robinson will play Zina Girgenti with marker Val Sharpe, Jan Gard verses Greta Kessler with marker Margaret Cooper, Carmen Bolton verses Maree Crees with marker Judy Maxwell and Maria Mijo verses Bev Zillfleisch with marker Glenn Lepp.

Social bowls will also be played weather permitting. Lucky Maree Crees won the raffle again and please note names for comp and social games to be in by 12.30pm.

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