Wolverines win in a thriller

Thursday 26 July 2012

Wolverines win in a thriller

Rattle started out strong this week in the first Division 1 game out of the night, leading the first quarter against Cougars 7-5.

The Cougars however regained their dominance on the court and won the game 22-13. Cougars' Fiona Tech and Rattleā€™s Aimee Watson were awarded best and fairest players.
The second Division 1 game of the night was a clash between Young Guns and Crocs 1. Guns took out with the win with 25-11 but were taken by surprise Crocs' defensive and attacking plays.

The Crocs proved themselves this week by keeping the ball away from the Guns' attacking end. Guns' Bec Nelson and Crocs' Mel Ketu were named best and fairest.

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Dominance took place in both Division 2 games this week with Ring Ins taking victory over Crocs 2. The game ended with a final score of 29-11. Kelly Padwan from Ring Ins was awarded best and fairest for her impressive attack and shooting.
Jets dominated the court this week taking out Gunnars with a 38-8 win. Jets' Angela Pringle was awarded best and fairest this week for her mid court work.

It was a close game between Bits and Pieces and Wolverines this week, with Wolverines narrowly claiming the victory, 17-14. The thriller was decided in the last quarter with Wolverines attacking and defensive plays working hard to move the ball. 

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