Sunrise star promises night to remember

Monday 30 July 2012

Sunrise star promises night to remember

Natalie Barr, the popular presenter from Seven's Sunrise morning show will be in Port Douglas to MC this year’s annual Sheraton Mirage Port Douglas ‘Unite For Children’ Charity Ball.

Natalie, who spoke with The Newsport last week, said money raised from the evening will help support Australian families living with childhood cancer.

"I've spent quite a bit of time in hospitals visiting oncology wards, and I was there this Easter in Melbourne (at the Royal Children's Hospital) with Kochie (co-presenter David Koch) and he and I walked through one of the kid's cancer wards. It just gets you every time you go to one of those places."

She recalled her experience with young leukaemia sufferers who were waiting for life-saving bone marrow operations, and the feeling of isolation of those who had received donor bone marrow.

"They had to be in isolation to the lead up to their operation if they were lucky enough to get the bone marrow transplant, and for three months up to six months after the operation to make sure there wasn't any infection.

"First of all the families are waiting and praying that they even get a bone marrow transplant, in this case for their leukaemia kids, then they're waiting in a room for months on end praying it works that their kid doesn't succumb to infection or rejection of it."

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Natalie said the Childhood Cancer Support charity, who will benefit from the gala evening, works hard to ease the seemingly insurmountable burden on families with children suffering from cancer.

"The thing that strikes me is that it strikes the family so hard, it's not just the initial shock and cost of the medical treatment, but it's the flow on effect right through the family.

"What does the father or mother do with their job? Who pays the electricity bill? Who takes the other child who's left wherever in the state, who takes them to school? Do they go to school or do they move to the city where the treatment usually is.

"It's just a minefield, this disease doesn't just affect one person."

"Often Mum or Dad or whoever is by that bed has trouble getting a meal every night. Not all families can afford to eat out every single night. They often go without food.

"There are so many basics that these sort of charities pick up the pieces in, they're fantastic."

The charity ball, which will be held on August 4, has earned a reputation as one of Port Douglas’ most prestigious events.

The evening will be held on the hotel’s grounds in the magnificently decorated Glade Pavilion with tickets priced at $139 per person. This includes a delicious three-course menu designed by executive Chef Klaus Keller, along with an exquisite selection of wines and live entertainment by Hip to Soul.

"It'll be a night like you've never had before," Natalie said.

For information and bookings call the Sheraton Mirage Conventions Department on 4099 0881 or email

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