Select group to discuss Douglas' future

Thursday 12 July 2012

Select group to discuss Douglas' future

An intimate meeting to discuss the future of economic development in Douglas is to be held on Friday involving representatives from entrenched regional organisations.

Present at the meeting will be Port Douglas Chamber of Commerce's president Ken Dobbs and newly appointed committee member Martin Tranter, Tourism Port Douglas and Daintree's chairman Gordon Wellham and executive officer Doug Ryan, Division 10 councillor Julia Leu, and Advance Cairns' Wendy Morris.

"We've decided to form an economic development taskforce," Mr Dobbs told The Newsport.

He said Advance Cairns' Wendy Morris would be present at the meeting to provide "independent input," and added that the Advance Cairns charter is to drive economic development in the region, not just in the city.

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No representative from Council's Economic Development unit will be in attendance.

Mr Dobbs said the representatives will be taking the first step toward implementing a process to establish an Economic Development Group.

Cr Leu was unavailable for comment.

Residents and business owners who have a stake in the future of the region will be eager to learn of the outcomes of this meeting, particularly which individuals may comprise an Economic Development Group committee and how they will be selected.

The proposed formation of an Economic Development Group is seen as a way to access greater levels of government and private investment for the region.

Mr Dobbs said the 'Revitalise Port Douglas' findings of the Melbourne Business School were the "trigger" to take some action on returning the town to prosperity.

Here are the recommendations as outlined in the MBS report:

  • Create a single group to ‘market’ Port to government and private investors.
  • This group needs to have the autonomy to make decisions that benefit Port Douglas — even if there is not unanimous approval of the investment. Discussion at ‘town hall’ meetings is encouraged but a unified front must be shown to investors.
  • Sell a consistent, accurate brand to potential investors. Reduce confusion about existing brand.
  • Create an environment that welcomes investment with open arms. This message needs to be disseminated throughout the entire community.
  • Create hope amongst the residents.

Opens external link in new windowRead the full MBS report here