Rates to keep rising

Wednesday 25 July 2012

Rates to keep rising

The minimum residential rate will rise by $28 under Cairns Regional Council’s 2012-13 Budget.

Council’s rates and utilities will rise by an average 3.7 per cent in 2012-13, with 0.7 per cent of this increase being directly attributable to the Carbon Tax.

Two-thirds (66%) of the 79,000 rates assessments will rise by the average 3.7 per cent or less.

Utility charges for water, sewerage and cleansing for standard residential assessments will also rise by 3.7 per cent, or $45 for the year.

Opens external link in new windowRead the Mayor's budget speech

“We have worked hard to keep the rate increase as low as possible, recognising that people everywhere are doing it tough. This includes adopting a deficit budget,” Mayor Bob Manning said.

“Rates are Council’s primary income and fund vital infrastructure maintenance and renewal, community programs and other projects and services that are expected of local government.

“Individual ratepayers will be impacted by the results of the most recent land valuations. As a result, there will be some property owners whose rates will increase by more than the average.”

Rates notices are expected to be issued at the end of this week. 

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