Nick Rains photography workshop

Thursday 19 July 2012

Nick Rains photography workshop

Over the weekend of July 21-22, 2012 Christian Fletcher and Nick Rains will be running an intensive photo workshop at the 5-Star Peppers Resort in Port Douglas.

Check out Opens external link in new windowNick's website for his amazing gallery of images.

What's included at the workshop

Two days of seminars, 8 sessions in all, by Nick Rains and Christian Fletcher.

We will be covering just about everything we do in our day to day workflows, nothing held back, all subjects up for discussion. Topics will include composition and form, Lightroom/Bridge workflows, colour management, printing, pixel wrangling (CF), image sweetening (NR), cataloguing, metadata and more.

We will get out for some shooting, two shoots at least, and we will use these images to show you how to apply the techniques we show you to your own photos.

Both days include morning tea, full lunch and afternoon tea. Workshop notes and other information is provided for each participant and pre-readings are made also available before the workshop. Friday evening (July 20th) introductory drinks.

What you'll need

Cameras, tripod (essential), a decent laptop with Photoshop installed (you can get 30 day demos of Photoshop if you don't have them), a mouse or tablet, and a mind ready to be filled with more photographic stuff than you thought possible!

Cost $995: $250 Deposit to reserve a place

Workshop date: July 21-22 2012

Peppers Beach Resort, offers a good deal for 2 or 3 nights accommodation in the 5 star resort - partners may choose to come along too, bring them along for drinks on Friday night so we don't talk about cameras too much!

Win big in the region's Best Photo Competition.