New faces to lead Port's future

Monday 30 July 2012

New faces to lead Port's future

Discussions as to who might lead Port Douglas into a prosperous future have taken place, and according to Kleinhardt Business Consultants who have been involved in the talks, it may be some new faces who come to the fore.

Kleinhardt, a Cairns-based consultancy and regional economic development firm, have sat with representatives of the Port Douglas Chamber of Commerce, Tourism Port Douglas and Daintree, Advance Cairns, and Division 10 councillor Julia Leu (who is also on the TPDD board), to form a stratgic plan to dig the region out of an economic hole.

Consultant Jim Bitomsky said Kleinhardt have initially volunteered their services to be an objective partner in the talks, pointing our they have not officially been appointed by the group. 

However, The Newsport believes money has been raised to continue the relationship with the firm who worked with TPDD to develop their strategic plan.

Mr Bitomsky said their role was not to "reinvent the wheel" referring to the work already undertaken by the Melbourne Business School earlier in the year, but to create a strategic plan and change management process.

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That change may come in the form of emerging new leaders rather than familiar faces of the past with Mr Bitomsky confirming the issue "had definitely been part of discussions."

He said that a mechanism whereby the public could decide who takes the lead roles within a proposed Economic Development Group had been agreed upon, however The Newsport was unable to reach group spokesperson Julia Leu to get details on how it would work.

In a press release from the group released last week, Cr Leu said "Port Douglas deserves fresh thinking and a fresh approach."

The group said they had identified four steps to take in the process, many of which were highlighted in the MBS Report delivered in March.

1. Confirm just what the significant issues are.  Most importantly the trends and driving forces creating these issues need to be clearly identified.  Otherwise any plans will only address effects, not the root causes.

2. The second is to address the barriers to dealing with the trends and driving forces and any opportunities they might present.  This will involve development of goals, strategies and clear action plans.

3. The third is to build connectivity.  This involves transparency, communication, attracting resources, building coalitions and influence beyond Port Douglas to get the job done.

4. The fourth is about generating ongoing unity of purpose.  This involves fostering and releasing creativity.  Port Douglas is not short of talented, professional people with broad experience.   
The framework of action most of all aims to harness that.

Separate talks continue between other interested businesspeople who agree that a change of direction is needed. The Newsport will report details of these discussions as they become available.

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