Macrossan closure worth exploring: Leu

Friday 13 July 2012

Macrossan closure worth exploring: Leu

The concept of closing part, or all, of Macrossan Street to traffic has driven hundreds of passionate Port lovers to vote or comment on the issue.

Proposed to improve the experience for shoppers and diners, The Newsport article 'Support grows to close Macrossan' (Monday 9 July, 2012) showed readers were divided on the idea, with many concerned traffic restrictions could sound the death knell for retailers, rather than bolster sales.

Others thought it would breathe new life into the street by creating an alfresco dining experience made famous in Europe.

Comments were posted by a number of local readers, but also by readers as far afield as Melbourne, Ballarat, Brisbane and Sydney.

Well over 300 respondents voted for their preference on The Newsport's poll question "Do you think a section of Macrossan Street should be closed to traffic?," with those in favour fractionally ahead.

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Division 10 councillor Julia Leu said the concept was worth pursuing, but the importance of obtaining feedback from those affected would be paramount.

"I certainly think it's an idea worthy of exploring, but I would want to make sure there was absolutely adequate and full consultation with all the retailers and affected resort owners in Macrossan Street.

"It's about how it works from an engineering perspective as well," she said.

"We have to consider in the context of the approved Master Plan, and that's where I'd want to be talking to engineers and officers.

"Some places have full closure which is a mall, and these days a lot of malls are being opened up to traffic because whilst sometimes it can be jumping and can sometimes lead to things being dead as a doornail.

"That's where you've got to weigh up how the community want to use Macrossan Street, how easy or hard it is for people to get to their resorts, then you've also got the retailers...what do the retailers think?"

Take part in The Newsport poll on our Home Page.