Junior Crocs to entertain masses

Wednesday 11 July 2012

Junior Crocs to entertain masses


The Croc Pit came alive on Sunday morning with the mighty Port Douglas crocs Under 8s battling it out against the Manunda Hawks.

In a electrifying opening quarter, second game player Taj “Stevie J” Anderson was on fire with his devastating left boot and finished the game with five goals.

He was well supported by Mr consistent Daniel ”Goodes” Harrington who rucked well and the quick in and under skills of Tam ”Kerr” Neguyen were impressive and even produced the smother of the day.

Carlton’s great win on Friday night must have inspired Ethan ”Kruser” Scott who played well and kicked a clever goal, and on display were the strong marking powers straight kicking of the much improved Angus ”SOS” Van Rouylan.

After passing a fitness test prior to the game, tough nut Sam ”Martin” Wall played an excellent game as did his favourite brother Dalton ”Maric” Wall who happily displayed his new boots with some telling disposals out of defence.

Game day Captain Hayden ”Cox” Caswell led from the front and was quite vocal inspiring and encouraging his team mates. The defensive skills of Kai ”Yarren” Durie, the long bomb goal of Kalan ”Thompson” Poole and the light footed and very quick Hugo “OO” Ellison kept the home crowd entertained.

Coach’s awards went to Hayden, Ethan, Dalton and Daniel.

This week the boys get a once in a lifetime opportunity to play at half time at Cazalay's under lights in the Richmond vs Gold Coast Game this Saturday which will be fantastic experience for all.


Perfect weather conditions for another home game this week against Centrals.  Crocs' Under 10 numbers were down due to school holidays but thanks to Kai Durie and Hugo Ellison from Under 8s we were able to make up a team and give it a good go. 

Excellent work this week from Scott Cooper, Sam Corrie and Dean Laurence who were like terriers after the ball. Some great marks and blocking by Jake Sherwell, Harry Walker, Jamie Hudson, Anthony Long and Jacob Rich. Valuable support from Kai and Hugo with great play from both. 

Goal kickers were Scott Cooper (2) and Sam Corrie (1) This week’s medal went to Anthony Long and awards to Harry Walker, Jamie Hudson and Jake Sherwell.


After two weeks of school holidays the Under 12s looked fresh as they took to the field for their clash with the Cairns Hawks.

Unfortunately the start to the game was not quite what the team was after as the opposition scored their first goal just two minutes after the centre bounce.

From this moment on, however, the game was dominated by the locals who started their assault on the goals. Leon Wren kicked the first goal for the Crocs, shortly after kicking his second in what was an outstanding quarter.

He well supported in all areas of the ground as the confidence of the Port boys increased and their desire to be a part of the goal scoring frenzy intensified.

Captain Charlie Burns displayed terrific courage as he worked hard for contested balls and was rewarded for his efforts, scoring a total of four goals for the game.

Toby Ellison, Josh Bellero and Billy Thomson all displayed their intensity, regularly winning the ball through hard running and offering good options for their team mates.

With a final score of 17.19.121 to 2.3. 15 this was a wonderful team effort and a game for which all players can be proud.

Goal scorers: Charlie Burns (4), Brayden Wall (3), Ben Muia (3), Hugo Corrie (2), Daniel Davidson (2), Leon Wren (2), Joel Bowen (1).


With seven players away we were really up against it this week but to their credit the boys showed great character not to give in and fight it out right till the final siren.

A big thanks once again to the four Under 12 players who helped us to put a team on the ground.

Jack Sampson dug deep and battled hard at full back, then in the ruck got a bit of go forward with some nice taps to Tom Goodall. Jack Dickson, Hugo Walker and Ben Shrimpton also had big games and ran themselves into the ground.

Everyone is looking ahead to next week when we should have our full squad back and turn things around with a win.

Awards: Charlie Burns, Brayden Wall, Ben Muir and Hugo Corrie
Goals: Hugo Corrie, Brayden Wall
Score: 162 to 16

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