G whiz!

Monday 16 July 2012

G whiz!

Political leaders have thrown their support behind a bid to host an event associated with the 2014 G20 Summit in the Cairns region.

The G20 Summit is attended by finance ministers and central bank governors from the 20 of the world's biggest economies including the European Union, representing around 90% of global GDP, 80% of global trade and two-thirds of the world’s population. The summit is used as an opportunity to discuss global financial issues.

Queensland Premier Campbell Newman proposed Port Douglas and Cairns should play a part in the summit, and Council Mayor Bob Manning said any opportunity showcase the region’s ability to host world-class events would be welcomed.

“At this early stage, we are keen to look at how we can be involved,” Cr Manning said.

“There may be opportunities for regional meetings, organised outings or simply pre and post-summit visitations.

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“Whatever the opportunities are, we will work with organisers and relevant stakeholders to see how Cairns can fit into the picture.”

Cr Manning said a submission was being prepared by Council officers, detailing the virtues of the Cairns region as an events destination.

“We have an international airport, quality conference facilities, cooperative industry bodies and the best natural attributes you could ask for. Why wouldn’t a world leader want to come here?"

Cr Manning added that the international media exposure attached to any visit by a world leader would offer significant flow-on benefits in terms of tourism marketing.

The G20 Summit is frequently the target of protestors, many of whom are critical of corporate globalisation and the perceived political influence multi-national companies wield, particularly in developing nations.