Douglas residents have GBR say

Monday 30 July 2012

Douglas residents have GBR say

Whyanbeel resident Robert Hanan was elected chair of the Douglas Local Marine Advisory Committee for the next three year term at the new committee's first meeting recently.

It is one of 12 committees along the coast from Cape York to Bundaberg that provide input to the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (GBRMPA) on local marine issues.

GBRMPA Chairman Russell Reichelt said committee members would play an essential role in the future management of the Great Barrier Reef.

"We will be looking to our committees for advice on how we achieve a balance between sustainable use and protecting the Reef for the future," he said.

"They will contribute to the strategic assessment of the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area that will identify the Reef's values, the threats, and what we need to do to address them."

Mr Hanan a strong advocate on local issues, welcomed the opportunity for Reef concerns in the Douglas region to be heard.

"The Reef holds cultural significance to many people in our community. Its health is critical to the livelihoods of the Douglas region. That is why it’s important for us to be able to share our local experiences and concerns on how the Reef is managed now and in the future.

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"Our members bring local perspectives and experiences from a variety of backgrounds including tourism, conservation, farming, fishing and government.

"However, we would welcome additional nominations from Traditional Owners and the commercial fishing industry to ensure all local interests are covered."

The new committee includes experienced members who have returned for another three-year term, and six new members who bring fresh perspectives to the table.

The Douglas LMAC area covers Bloomfield River in the north to Buchan Point in the south.

Established in 1999, the committees meet five times a year and undertake regional environmental projects.

Committees operate in the Cape York, Douglas, Mackay, Cairns, Cassowary Coast, Hinchinbrook, Townsville, Bowen-Burdekin, Whitsundays, Capricorn Coast, Gladstone and the Burnett regions.

Earlier this year, there was a call for residents along the coast to nominate for the committees.

Pictured: Back row (from left): David Cook, Warren Egling, Barnaby Marris, Peter Bradley, Gerard Puglisi, Steve Adamson.  Front row: Karen Vohland (GBRMPA), Evelyn Matthews, Steve Edmondson, Valda Reynolds, Doon McColl (GBRMPA). Members not shown include Robert Hanan (Chair), Roisin Allen, Mark Colbridge, Jordan Hack, Julia Leu, Steve Lindsay and Laurie Taylor. 

Home Page image by Tod Walker