Cracks found in Rex Creek Bridge

Wednesday 11 July 2012

Cracks found in Rex Creek Bridge

The Rex Creek suspension bridge at Mossman Gorge remains closed after the department of Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service (QPWS) deemed the bridge unsafe, making the popular rainforest circuit track inaccessible during the peak visitor season.

Andrew Millerd, Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service Wet Tropics Regional Manager, said the department had little choice but to close the bridge to the public.

"For public safety, the Rex Creek Bridge at Mossman Gorge has been closed until further notice after cracks were found in handrail supports.

"QPWS is consulting with engineers regarding what repairs are needed. There is no indication at this stage as to when the bridge can reopen.

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"While the rainforest circuit beyond the bridge is not accessible, visitors are still able to do the popular Baral Marrjanga rainforest boardwalk and river walk that both start at the carpark."

The new Mossman Gorge Centre has fielded many complaints and comments regarding the suspension bridge closure, however the decision on when the bridge will reopen remains in the hands of QPWS and their engineers.