Bumper season: TQ boss

Friday 20 July 2012

Bumper season: TQ boss

Tourism Queensland has declared the winter season in Far North Queensland a "bumper" period for the region, saying accommodation providers are hanging 'no vacancy' signs from Port Douglas to Mission Beach.

CEO Anthony Hayes said feedback was that the Tropical North was "bursting at the seams with holidaymakers" and added a cold southern winter was driving people north.

“Many of the operators we’ve spoken to, from Port Douglas south to Cairns and Mission Beach and west to the Atherton Tablelands, are saying they’re having the best winter holiday season for years – rooms are full, tour operators are busy and restaurants are pumping,” Mr Hayes said.

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A statement from TQ said that AFL team the Gold Coast SUNS "had to stay in Port Douglas and travel down to Cairns because the city was full."

Mr Hayes said that while bookings for July and August remained strong, the end of the school holidays means there are still rooms available.