Awards recognise vital service

Monday 23 July 2012

Awards recognise vital service

Nominations for Cairns Regional Council's 2012 Disability Action Week Awards opened on Friday. The awards recognise excellence in disability services and the achievements of individuals.

There are five categories in which nominations (closing 20 August) can be accepted which include the:

  • Community Spirit Award, which recognises a person with a disability who has made a significant contribution to their community. (25 years and over)
  • Young Community Spirit Award, which recognises a person with a disability who has made a significant contribution to their community. (under 25 years)
  • Community Support Award, which recognises a group or organisation that supports people with a disability.
  • Carers Award, which recognises individuals who have made a significant contribution to improving the lives of people with disability.
  • Individual Achievement Award, which recognises a person with a disability who has overcome adversity to achieve personal goals.

Mayor Bob Manning said the awards helped to highlight the excellent work being done in the community both in caring for people with disabilities and in encouraging people to succeed in spite of their disabilities.

“These awards recognise people who inspire others through their own achievements or the support that they offer to people with disabilities,” Cr Manning said.

“We invite nominations across all categories so we can celebrate these people and their contribution to our community.”

Nomination forms, along with the guidelines booklet, will soon be available online at Council's website or from all Cairns Libraries branches, Hambledon House Community Centre and Council administration offices in Cairns and Mossman.

Awards will be presented at Cairns Regional Council’s Civic Reception Rooms (Spence Street administration building) on Monday, September 10.

Disability Action Week is from September 9 to 15.

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