Curtain not drawn on Tableland management
Wednesday 11 January 2012
Curtain not drawn on Tableland management

Tourist and recreation attractions on the Tablelands have been opened up for Protected Area Management Plan consultation by Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service (QPWS) a division of the Department of Environment and Resource Management (DERM).
QPRS say the plans are being devised to alleviate "increasing pressure on the State's natural areas."
But there are some groups who use the identified locations (which include the Curtain Fig Tree, Hypipamee Crater, Lakes Barrine and Eacham, Malanda Falls, and seven other Tablelands sites) who say the original deadline of 30 January gave Tablelanders and associated recreation, tourist and environmental groups little time to decide how to respond.
The Forest Users Group has claimed that pressure they've applied to DERM has resulted in Vicky Darling, Minister for the Environment, granting an extension by at least two, and possibly up to four weeks.
“There would have been a lot of cranky Tablelanders if DERM had not backed down on that ridiculous original deadline," said Tim Forsyth of FNQ Quadriders. "Imagine running a consultation process over the holidays.”
Forest User spokesperson, Christine Doan called for the community to have their say during the consultation process.
"A strong response is needed from the community. If we do not step forward proactively and positively, we will find ourselves lumbered with yet another set of regulations dictated by the South-East corner."
Submissions can be made in several ways. You can:
Visit the DERM website
Send an email to
Write to:
The Manager, Planning Services Unit
Conservation, Strategy and Planning
Department of Environment and
Resource Management
Level 4, 400 George Street
GPO Box 2454
Brisbane Qld 4001
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