Australia Day celebrated

Friday 27 January 2012

Australia Day celebrated

Parties were thrown and barbecues fired up as families and friends celebrated Australia Day in the region.

The Blessing of the Fleet at the Combined Clubs kicked off the day with more then a dozen vessels of all shapes and sizes receiving a blast by the holy hose from Father Eric.

Families flocked to the Combined Clubs to see their children get their face painted, take part in egg-and-spoon races, and beat each other senseless in gladiatorial battle (with padding).    

But for many the day started at lunch time after a rare sleep in and then a visit to the nearest watering hole.

In what has become an Australia Day tradition, radios were tuned to Triple J's Hottest 100, the world's biggest music vote which saw Gotye's 'Somebody That I Used To Know' take the coveted Number 1 spot (The Newsport's tip of the Black Key's 'Lonely Boy' was pipped at Number 2).

Many others took the opportunity to kick back and watch the Australian cricketers continue their domination over the hapless Indians.

While rain would have been welcomed by the Indians, it certainly wasn't at Cassowary Park with the battle of the football codes cricket match cancelled due to the heavy conditions.

In another fine Australian tradition, the lure of a four-day weekend will be too much for many employees who may just call in sick today.

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