Coaches pass on pearls of wisdom

Monday 6 February 2012

Coaches pass on pearls of wisdom

Today we meet our final two coaches from the Mossman & District Gymnsastics Club, Sonja Zettl and Deanne Hoye.

Sonja Zettl

Erin Frizelle: What are your qualifications or position?
Sonja Zettl: WAG Level 2 coach, Kindergym and General Gym.

EF: How long have you been actively involved in gymnastics?
SZ: I competed as a gymnast from age 7 to 16 years. I started coaching Kindergym, General Gymnastics and Women’s Artistic Gymnastics about 17 years ago.

EF: Why did you decide to become a coach?
SZ: After finishing my career as a competitive gymnast, I just couldn’t stop doing it.

EF: What is your greatest achievement in the sport?
SZ: Doing what I am doing now – making my hobby into my profession.

EF: What do you like about gymnastics?
SZ: Gymnastics is such a great sport and a sound foundation for any other sport you might encounter later in life. It is fun, gives you confidence, flexibility and strength, not just physically, but also mentally. It makes you feel good.

EF: What advice to you have for upcoming gymnasts?
SZ: Set your goal and train hard – nothing comes easily. But most importantly have fun!

Deanne Hoye

Erin Frizelle: What are your qualifications or position?
Deanne Hoye: Level 1 coach

EF: How long have you been actively involved in gymnastics?
DH: Two years

EF: Why did you decide to become a coach?
DH: I have always been interested in gymnastics and would love to have done it as a child, but unfortunately, growing up in a rural country town, it just wasn’t available. I largely got involved in coaching as a result of my daughter’s interest in gymnastics, and being a PE teacher it was a natural progression.

EF: What is your greatest achievement in the sport?
DH: Having gymnasts regularly attend and enjoy training.

EF: What do you like about gymnastics?
DH: Gymnastics is an incredible sport in that is covers all areas of fitness, develops excellent posture, and builds confidence, all while having an enormous amount of fun.
EF: What advice do you have for upcoming gymnasts?
DH: Always practice to the best of your ability. Meaningful practice will result in technical improvements. Playful practice will not be as beneficial. Always practice as though you are being judged. Take the time to listen to feedback given and remember, smart people ask questions.