Goya Exhibition

Friday 14 December 2012

Goya Exhibition

An exhibition of 80 extraordinary etchings by iconic Spanish artist, Fancisco de Goya, is currently on display at Cairns Regional Gallery until 6 January 2013.

The works are on loan from Albury Art Gallery and are touring to selected regional venues.  Goya is one of the most significant artists of the modern era, known for his technical brilliance and the unflinching insights he offered into Spain at a time of enormous social and political change.

Corruption, abuse of power, cruelty, vanity, religious intolerance and many other ideas are issues that affected Goya directly and these issues are still worthy of contemplation despite the passing of 200 years.

Although the idea of satirical artwork that is critical of authority had been seen in other parts of Europe, Spain had seen nothing like Goya's work at the time and by producing these images he risked his reputation as a painter to the Royal Household and placed himself in the notice of the feared Spanish Inquisition.

This exhibition is a rare opportunity to view such a significant body of work, to learn about the concerns of a changing world and to enjoy and appreciate the consummate skills of an artist that can be truly called a master.