Tableland leads in economic plan

Tuesday 21 August 2012

Tableland leads in economic plan

Tableland leaders are working together for a prosperous future and are "more advanced" than other regions in Far North Queensland according to regional centre expert Robert Prestipino.

Key questions about the development of the Tableland region were put in the spotlight at an Infrastructure and Development Roundtable session last Friday.

The event, hosted by the Atherton Tableland Chamber of Commerce (ATCC), focused on identifying and funding catalytic regional infrastructure in the region, and was targeted at those organisations involved in economic development across the Tablelands.

Representatives from the Atherton, Malanda and Mareeba Chambers of Commerce were present, as were several Tablelands Regional Council councillors and key staff members and representatives from the Tableland Futures Corporation.

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John Finter, president of the Malanda Chamber of Commerce, said he was astounded by the figures that were presented.

“It just proves that we need to get young people into the community to boost businesses. Everyone needs to get behind it so it was good to see everyone working together on this,” Mr Finter said.

All agreed that the current, challenging economic climate makes infrastructure funding more difficult to source.

“The roundtable discussions revealed a common desire for local groups to collaborate and a united view that the Tablelands has a critical role in the sustainable future of Far North Queensland," event facilitator Robert Prestipino said.

"Many regions have the potential for a prosperous future, but the local leaders of the Tablelands seem further advanced than most to step up and secure that future."