Mossman inventors find local sales success

Wednesday 29 August 2012

Mossman inventors find local sales success

A decade of perseverance in inventing, designing and manufacturing a device to measure gas remaining in household gas bottles is now paying off for its local inventors.

Mossman-based Mark Kelleher and Bob Baade this month launched their product, called NO NAG, in Cairns with a targeted sales campaign.

The product provides the weight of the gas remaining in your gas bottle, thereby reducing wastage and saving money.

The pair has secured more than 40 local resellers from Tully to Cape Tribulation and into the Tablelands in less than a month.

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Mark said the local launch aimed to establish how best the product could be sold and distributed, and it took an Australian-first ploy to secure its success.

“We know retailers are presented with new products on a weekly basis, so we needed a way to cut through the clutter,” Mark said.

“We’ve achieved this by engaging Elgas to support retailers’ sales by distributing information with each of their Swap’n’Go bottles during August.”

Mark said it was the first time this advertising medium had been used nationally, and initial results had been encouraging in what had been considered a tough local retail market.

“We’re very pleased with the local response to NO NAG, and will build upon this strategy to roll out NO NAG nationally in the near future,” he said.