Low airfare scheme scrapped

Wednesday 1 August 2012

Low airfare scheme scrapped

The Member for Cook and Assistant Minister for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs, David Kempton, has confirmed that the Local Fare Scheme for air travel in far north Queensland would be scrapped.

The Local Fares Scheme allowed residents of Cape York communities and Torres Strait islands to make return flights to Cairns and Horn Island for $99 each way.

Mr Kempton said the scheme had only been funded for three months by the previous Labor government and was not working properly.

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“I have entered into discussions with the regional air carriers and our department with a view to establishing a new arrangement which will provide reduced airfares across the board rather than subsidised tickets for a limited number of seats. I am also looking at increased flights between communities.

“I am aware of the short-term hardship the communities in far north Queensland will suffer as a result of the cancellation of the scheme, but I am confident a long-term solution can be found to provide subsidised airfares for those who need it.”

Mr Kempton said all bookings made under the scheme prior to July 26, 2012, will be honoured.