Lagoon blue continues

Tuesday 28 August 2012

Lagoon blue continues

It seems the issue of the proposed lagoon has reared its head again after Council suggested a renewed focus be placed on gaining State and Federal funding for the Port Douglas Waterfront Project.

The lagoon divided the community for many reasons, not least for its planned proximity to St Mary's By The Sea, the popular chapel which hosts hundreds of wedding and funeral services each year.
Many residents argued whether there was a need for the multi-million dollar pool at all.

So, with a new-look Council declaring the Port Douglas Waterfront their "top priority," concerns over the plan are again being raised.

At the Council’s Ordinary Meeting in Mossman last week, the Virginia Donovan of the Port Douglas Restoration Society reiterated the group's concerns over the lagoon project in a deputation.

"We are appalled at the former Cairns Regional Council's total lack of respect in their decision to build a swimming lagoon in such close proximity to a church - when the obvious usage of both is diametrically opposite..." Ms Donovan said.

"We are also astonished that the CRC voted unanimously for this site, which is greatly opposed by the majority of locals in Port Douglas."

The deputation also addressed the flow-on effect of St Mary's success to other local businesses including restaurants, hairdressers, florists, and Port Douglas accommodation providers among others.

"To jeopardise this obvious benefit to the town would be absolute folly.

"The obvious downturn of wedding numbers caused by the placement of a lagoon on the doorstep would have a severe and continuing impact on the economy of the town itself.

"It seems totally incomprehensible that after 4 years of in-depth community input an 'out of the blue' site is suddenly put forward and promoted.

"The fact that this site is totally inappropriate for several reasons has been completely dismissed by the previous Council."

Mayor Bob Manning said he understood the concerns of the Port Douglas Restoration Society.

"I understand exactly what they're saying and they've got a good argument."

Cr Manning said plans needed to be flexible when seeking funding, and the final look of the Port Douglas Waterfront, including the lagoon, would depend on exactly how much funding would be made available by State and Federal Government.

He said Council would look at a variety of options for funding including the Regional Development Australia Fund, and the resources of tourism bodies as the project could help stimulate tourist visitation.