Inside Port - Bringing Joya to others

Thursday 23 August 2012

Inside Port - Bringing Joya to others

by David Breit

The dictionary’s defines community as ‘a fellowship of interests’ and a 'Community Centre' as a place providing social facilities for a neighbourhood.

A community benefits when people of goodwill combine together to enhance that community. The Port Douglas Neighbourhood Centre’s ability to provide support to our community members most in need relies heavily on the contributions of a range of people in our local area.

One such person is Joya Helman who heads up the Port Douglas Newsagency. Joya has the philosophy of giving back to the community where her business is based.

One of the organisations she is supporting is the Neighbourhood Centre.

In recent weeks Joya has provided the Centre with a range of goodies normally found in the newsagency. She has made them up into emergency relief packs which the Centre has been able to distribute to local folk. On Family Fun Day our lucky dips for boys and girls were brightened by toys donated by Joya.

Joya, originally from Wonga Beach, went to Victoria before coming back to the Newsagency. Her support to our community is invaluable.

The Neighbourhood Centre has been operating for over 21 years in Port Douglas, and was started by a few playgroup parents who saw a need a need for support and childcare services in our area and did something about it.

This tradition of grassroots action is continued by the actions of business people such as Joya reaching out and offering what they can.  At the Neighbourhood Centre we are lucky to see these little actions nearly every day.

Partnerships such as these make a world of difference to what 21 years ago was a fledgling centre. In our recent annual report we recorded a staggering 13,403 accesses to the Centre - that`s 57 a day, every day of operation! And, that is not counting NicNak Shed shoppers or attendance at our big annual community events! 

For the busy staff and volunteers working daily at the Centre it helps to keep supporting people, knowing that others in our community, like Joya, have our back!

In upcoming 'Inside Port' features the Centre hopes to be able to share more stories such as Joya's to paint the true picture of the helping hands in our community which make us proud to be a part of the generous and caring Douglas community. 

As demand for our services continues to grow each year - we truly appreciate your help!