Health & Wellbeing Expo 2012

Wednesday 8 August 2012

Health & Wellbeing Expo 2012

Cairns Regional Council, in conjunction with the Douglas Community Agency Network invites the community to be part of Health & Wellbeing Expo 2012 on Tuesday September 18 at Port Douglas Community Hall from 10am to 3pm.

Individuals and organisations are invited to hold stalls at this year’s Expo, which aims to inform the community about various activities and services in our area which promote healthy and active lifestyles. 

Just some of the ideas for stalls we’d love to see at this year’s Expo:

  • Nutrition
  • Exercise
  • Health
  • Relaxation
  • Education (eg Short Courses, classes on cooking, art, acting, dancing)
  • Leisure, Sport, Recreation, Travel
  • Arts, Craft, Culture (eg pottery, painting, drawing, beading, photography, sewing, theatre)
  • Volunteering
  • Family
  • Retirement Planning/Finance/Social Security

While the Expo is not a commercial activity, stall holders may showcase products and services by sharing information and conducting demonstrations, potentially attracting new referrals, volunteers or customers in the future.

Due to limited space and the popularity of previous expos, Stall Nomination forms need to be returned by 17 August 2012.  Forms are available from Council’s website, Administration Office (64-66 Front St, Mossman), Port Douglas Library Kiosk and Mossman Library.

For further information please email or telephone 4099 9484.