Full coverage of Junior DNA

Thursday 9 August 2012

Full coverage of Junior DNA

10 Under

Douglas Junior Netball was played on Tuesday at Port Courts, and in the 10/under comp the Pythons were up against the Net Set Go Team.

The Net Set Go girls demonstrated improved court positioning skills, and Alyssa Jones was always making herself available to receive passes.  Grace Richardson used zone skills whilst defending while Alex Brown showed great decision making. 

Edie Thurtell, Anna Padovan, Brianna Ingram and Michaela Nesbitt are to be congratulated for their consistent teamwork.  A great effort and team game by both sides! 

The Wildcatz played the Gladiators on Court 1, in another exciting match up. The Gladiators' Georgia McCarthy and Jenna Kerswell moved the ball down the court well with Ebony Schonenberger shooting the first few goals. 

For the Wildcatz, awesome circle work by Myah Lowenstein-Jones and mid court work by Jordan Scott and Jay Heidke kept the game very exciting, trading goal for goal until the final hooter. 

Wildcatz just hung on for a one goal win 7-6.  Best and fairest's were Sophee Watson and Kate Padovan, with players' choice going to Jordan Scott and Chelsea McKay.

12 Under

The 12/Under competition on Court 1 saw the Diamonds play the Allstars, and the Allstars came out dominating the play with good leads, strong passes and accurate shooting by Krystal Schultz and confident defence from Matilda Mellows which unsettled the Diamonds. 

It was a well contested game but the Diamonds managed to pull away in the last quarter winning a close game 11-8.  Bonnie Francis and Kalani Revel's defence was strong.  Kyah Francis and Jasmine Kirk's goals were just enough to cross the line. 

Lana Baxter's speed through the centre, Leah Nash was strong with her passes and Anndria Santa-Cruz had awesome defence. 

The Poison Apples played the Red Hot Peppers on Court 2. Standouts for the Peppers were shooters Savaanah Scott, Ebony Schonenberger and their centre Faith Kempster who kept the oppostion on their toes. 

Denby Woods was fantastic in defence for the Apples and great shooting was shown by Sascha Lowenstein-Jones and Lauryn Sciacca. 

Height was a definite advantage for the Apples winning 23-3.

14-16 Under

The 14-16 competition on Court 1 had the Reps 12s playing Vipers, and the Reps played a fantastic game of netball this week. They held onto the Vipers tying until the third quarter. 

Kyah Francis shot well along as did Sascha Lowenstein-Jones. Cartier Bennett playing attack and defence was awesome.  Scores were even at the third quarter where the Vipers struck back with 10 goals in the last quarter. 

Jess Eagle-Rowe playing centre, normally goal defence, brought home the game. Final score 16-6.   

The Sapphires played the Fusion on Court 2, and both teams were short players so played five aside. The Sapphires were let down by silly passes and the Fusion team was helped with great shooting by Estha Nulty.

Final score Fusion 26 def. Sapphires 13. 

The Breakers played the Dynamite on Court 3. The Dynamite, with excellent passing, dominated the game and outclassed the Breakers. Excellent shooting by Bronte Lowenstein-Jones and Marley Cairns. 
Jess Viola was her usual dynamic self tor the Breakers, Georgia Duncan and Tully Case had their work cut out for them in defence but tried hard. 

Georgia Duncan was particularly good against the odds.  Lucy Webster finished the game with an amazing long shot for goal for the Breakers. 

Final score 26-3.

To the match report writers, particularly this week, every game was covered. Fantastic effort writers!

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