Employment - Searching for talent

Friday 31 August 2012

Employment - Searching for talent

Networking is the new staff recruitment tool! Research reveals that 45% of employers used online social networking to search for talent.

Help your organisation pick the best candidates with the following formula for talent questing:

Clarify Your Ideal Candidate

Firstly you need to identify the key skills and qualifications you want to see in your ideal candidate. This will help your talent search to be more focused.
Develop a clear job description to help you select personnel whose work profile completely aligns with their job responsibilities.
Approach Your Current Staff

Your current staff is a great resource for recruiting new staff. You can approach your current employees to develop an employee network. Existing employees know your organisation’s business well so they can provide candidates who are highly qualified for the position.
Motivate your employees to build a network of such people. You can do this by rewarding your employees with bonuses for helping to find new staff.

Participate In a Professional Conference

Keep an eye out for professional conferences and attend a conference that best aligns with your industry. You will have the opportunity to network with other professional groups which can lead to recruiting the best talent for your organisation.

Looking for staff or need a job? Check out The Newsport Employment pages
Do Some Research From Personal Contacts

Search for potential candidates by networking among your friends. You never know unless you ask.  The best talent could exist within your own circle of friends, or friends of friends.

Make Use of Social Networking Websites

Ever since the trend of online social networking became popular, almost everybody uses social networking websites.

Many employers now align their staff recruitment policies accordingly. You can use LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter to search for the best talent. Make job postings on different online recruitment groups.

Additionally, you can make your own group that allows job seekers to post their resumes.
Participate In a Job Fair

Universities often organise job fairs for their graduating students. Approach a university to register your company’s name as a job fair participant. As well as promoting your organisation’s brand, you have every opportunity of attracting a large pool of deserving candidates.
Take Your Clients’ Help

Satisfied clients build good relationships with organisations. Make a list of your satisfied clients and ask their assistance in searching for the best talent. If your company has a vacancy related to customer support, you can ask your clients to provide you with some potential candidates.
If you are searching for the next Superstar to join your organisation having a Opens external link in new windowRecruitment and Selection Tools will be beneficial. This will ensure that your process will be thorough as well as all information required will be collected.

Vlasta Eriksson is the managing director of Signature Staff.