Curtain closes on theatre support

Friday 24 August 2012

Curtain closes on theatre support

A verbal agreement that saw Council undertake maintenance on the Clink Theatre has been rescinded according to Claire Tierney of the Douglas Theatre Arts Group.

Ms Tierney said the previous Cairns Regional Council had performed a significant amount of maintenance on the building that include painting, installing air conditioning units, and work on The Clink's deck.

"We have had Council's financial support on maintenance in the past...that was a verbal agreement that came through in around 2009 and they have supported us quite heavily," she said.

"About a month ago, in response to one of our requests, they sent through that they won't be doing that anymore."

Ms Tierney said it appears that Council have reverted back to the legal contract between the two organisations.

"It doesn't appear to fit with what we read our lease to be," Ms Tierney said. "We have had to seek advice from our solicitor who is advising us we need to take this a step further."

Ms Tierney tabled a deputation at the recent Cairns Regional Council Ordinary Meeting held in Mossman on Wednesday.

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"We're not putting our hands up and screaming for bucket loads of money. This is a community service that's a viable and well received community service.

"We, as volunteers, put in equitable amount of in kind hours to provide this service, and we know that financially, if there was a major issue with the structural aspect of the building we possibly couldn't afford to do it.

"Instead of making it fall into disrepair, we were hoping that the current Council would continue with the agreement that we had with the previous Council, but it looks like they're saying 'no'.

"The reality is that the building is here because Douglas Theatre Arts Group made it happen. We are personally attached to our 20 year achievement that we have here."

A Cairns Regional Council spokesperson told The Newsport it had been the previous Douglas Shire Council who undertook maintenance work and was done at the cost of ratepayers.