Crocs' president report

Friday 3 August 2012

Crocs' president report

Well here we go with another president's report. Last week the club was on a high after the boys gallant victory over Norths and this week our finals chances have taken a dive. South cairns were just too good at the end and deserved there win.

We can still sneak into the finals but need a few things to go our way. Firstly we need to win three games over the next four weeks and hope South’s only win one.

On a brighter note our Presentation night has been organised at The Sheraton Mirage Ball Room for the 28th September. A buffet three course meal and music for $60 per head. Not a bad deal.

Bookings are through Keith the Barber on 4099 4833. See if you can get a table of 10 organised.

This week we play Saints and let's hope we can give the top side a run for their money.

Straight the awards on Saturday night we have Trivia at the clubhouse. Hopefully we will get a crowd as Muffy has slaved over the questions to test our grey matter.

Hope to see you on Saturday and Friday at the Courty raffle.

The Pres