No Minister!
Friday 13 April 2012
No Minister!

Mayor Val Schier has slammed statements made by the Minister for Local Government David Crisafulli who has said the Cairns community would get its say on the Cairns Entertainment Precinct at the local government elections.
The statements were made after the Minister revoked an approval for Cairns Regional Council to appoint a builder to get on with the project.
Mayor Schier said it was unprecedented and extraordinary for the Minister for Local Government to try and set the agenda for a Council election campaign.
“This region is diverse and we’ve got a range of significant challenges that we are dealing with. The upcoming election is about who is the best leader to bring us through those challenges,” Cr Schier said.
“Certainly the CEP is one campaign issue as a big piece of infrastructure that I have fought for and that my opponents want to tear down but it is by no means the defining issue for this region right now,” she said.
“To paint this election as some sort of referendum on the CEP is selling our community short. I’m running for re-election because I want to keep creating jobs, diversifying the economy, getting direct flights to China and building a better Cairns.”
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Cr Schier also highlighted the need for the State Government to commit the $57.3 million in State Government funding to a replacement for the Cairns Civic Theatre regardless of the election outcome.
“My opponents for the Mayoralty want to sell this region short by building an inadequate facility with no plans on sites that aren’t available.
“My question to Minister Crisafull is will his Government contribute to such an alternative project on another site and if so will the contribution still be $57.3 million?
“My opponents are telling the community that they can build a replacement for the Civic Theatre with no contribution from Council funds. Our voters deserve to know whether the state will give us something with no council contribution – something for nothing.
“I think as a former Councillor, Minister Crisafulli knows that is never going to happen.”