Free Wi-Fi easy money says MBS

Monday 23 April 2012

Free Wi-Fi easy money says MBS

Offering free Wi-Fi access to visitors to Macrossan Street will add hundreds of thousands of dollars to the local economy at a low cost, the Melbourne Business School has concluded.

According to the MBS report the introduction of free Wi-Fi, which allows users to access the internet via mobile devices such as smart phones, tablets, and laptops, would cost a maximum of just 
$19,000 a year to maintain (after an establishment cost estimated at $100,000) and would encourage users to spend more time and money in the retail centre of town.

Based on the research findings, students estimated that the move would pump an additional $250,000 a year into the local economy.

In addition to the financial benefits, the free Wi-Fi installation would enable the town to collect valuable data from users via short online questionnaires resulting in targeted marketing campaigns, allow businesses to offer last minute promotions, deliver information on upcoming events, and provide greater visitor satisfaction.
How they calculated the financial benefit

Visitors to Douglas region p.a.: 333,000 visitors
50% own smart phone = 166,500 visitors
100% will use the free Wi-Fi = 166,500 visitors
Assuming that only 15% of the visitors will spend, on average, an additional $10 leads to an increase of about $250K in economic activity each year.

Meanwhile, in response to last month's announcement that Cairns would be included in the three year rollout of the National Broadband Network, Council is putting together information and support programs to ensure residents can take advantage of the NBN when it arrives.

Among these initiatives is Project Connect, which aims to make sure residents building new homes in Cairns include steps in their build to make their new homes NBN-ready.

“The goal is for new home owners to be prepared for the NBN when the building approval is issued,” Council’s Economic Development Innovation Manager Fiona Wilson said.

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