Carnivale launch to light up Yacht Club
Monday 16 April 2012
Carnivale launch to light up Yacht Club

This year’s Carnivale launch featuring the naming of Miss Carnivale 2012 and the 2012 Song of Carnivale is now being held at the Port Douglas Yacht Club this Friday.
Event manager Kim Hurley said it was important to support the contestants in their quest for Carnivale.
“The Miss Carnivale contestants are fundraising champions and the crowned winner and the runner up will be representing our region before and during the festival – come and cheer them along.”
The three finalists in the Song of Carnivale (performed by Kevin Brown, Kevin Carrington and Brian Holding), have been chosen and can be heard here until 5pm this Wednesday.
Look for a familiar face on The Newsport Social page.
Tickets to the event are $10 adults and $5 children under 12, and event organisers say the all ages event will have a major door prize on the night.
“Our sponsors have come to the party and we have a Carnivale prize package with accommodation, restaurant vouchers, Carnivale event tickets and more," Ms Hurley said.
WHEN: Friday, 20th April 2012 – 6.00pm (sunset drinks!) – 11.00pm
WHERE: Port Douglas Yacht Club
TICKETS: $10 adults, $5 children under 12. Available ONLINE HERE at the door on the night
DRESS: To impress
CONTACT DETAILS: Melissah Norris,, 0448 441 897