Water Centre launches tomorrow
Thursday 8 September 2011
Water Centre launches tomorrow

The Water Smart Information Centre, part of Cairns Regional Council’s $11 million Our Water, Our Backyard campaign to reduce water consumption in the Port Douglas and Mossman region, will open this Friday with a public launch.
Residents and business owners are invited to join Council at the Water Smart Information Centre on Friday, September 9, from 10.30am to 12.30pm to learn about the initiatives that Council is undertaking to help residents play their part in reducing water consumption in Division 10.
Attendees will be given a voucher for a small water-wise Australian native plant, to kick-start their water saving programs in their homes or businesses.
The Water Smart Info Centre is located in the heart of Port Douglas’ shopping and tourist district, at 12/26-30 Macrossan Street.
“Council will provide advice and information services to water users on all aspects of the campaign to help reduce water usage in the region as part of the $11 million water management program,” Cr Val Shier said.
“The information centre will allow residents to make direct contact with our Water Smart team and to make arrangements for their Water Smart Home Service, which will be free when you register in the first three months of operation, starting September 1,” Cr Shier said.
Business owners, community groups and schools will also be able to register for the Commercial Water Advisory Service, which sees Council plumbers perform a full assessment of water facilities on non-residential premises and provide ways in which these commercial operators can reduce water consumption.
“The Water Smart Info Centre will allow people to have a personal introduction to the water saving initiatives that Council has implemented as well as gain better understanding of the overall water management plan for the region.” Cr Shier said.
Cr Shier added that the centre would convey the message to visitors and tourists that there is a proactive campaign throughout the community to manage water use.
“We are committed to providing every opportunity for all community members to be fully informed about water management,” Cr Shier said.
“Through the centre, we can help residents to understand the importance of using water wisely and how they can save money in the process.”
The centre will also play host to a series of workshops on sustainable living, including wise water use, energy efficiency and waste and recycling.
Residents and businesses can register for the Water Smart Home Service and the Commercial Water Advisory Service by calling the customer service centre on 1800 070 444 or by visiting www.oursustainablewater.com.au.
Opening times:
Monday 10am – 2pm
Tuesday 10am – 2pm
Wednesday 8.30am – 12.30pm
Thursday 11am – 3pm
Friday 10am – 2pm