Video footage of Million Dollar winner

Friday 2 September 2011

Video footage of Million Dollar winner

The staff of Indonesian automotive components manufacturer ADR Group will be celebrating after winning Tourism Queensland’s Million Dollar Memo – $1 million worth of Queensland travel incentives.

Minister for Tourism, Manufacturing and Small Business, Jan Jarratt, who was in Port Douglas to announce the winner, said ADR Group VP of International Business Development, Rusman Salem Mustam would be “employee of the year” after leading his company to the million dollar prize.

ADR Group was named winner from amongst 20 finalists from 11 countries and regions after an eight day challenge which spanned a range of destinations and some of Queensland’s premium incentive experiences.

“All of the companies who made the top 20 and the finalists who represented them in Queensland did an amazing job of promoting both their company and Queensland,” Ms Jarratt said.

See more photos from the day on our Social Pages

Tourism Queensland CEO Anthony Hayes said while the judges had found choosing just one finalist incredibly hard, when it came down to it, Rusman had demonstrated that he more than any other finalist had earned the AUD $1 million in Queensland travel rewards for their company.

“Throughout the entire event Rusman showed us that he was a fantastic ambassador for both his company and Queensland,” Mr Hayes said.

“His enthusiasm for the challenges we set, his obvious love of Queensland and his strong sense of leadership, teamwork and adaptability make him a worthy winner.”

Rusman said it was such an honor to have won the Million Dollar Memo and could not wait to tell his company the ADR Group they would soon visit Queensland.

"From the beginning regardless of whether we won the Million Dollar Memo the ADR Group was committed to sending 200 staff to Queensland at our own expense," Rusman said.

"I want to tell every organisation and boss in the world that the best way to reward their staff is to visit Queensland.

"As part of our prize the ADR Group will bring as many of our employees, clients and partners to Queensland as possible."

See more photos from the day on our Social Pages 

Mr Hayes said while the incentive challenge event was now over the Million Dollar Memo momentum would continue.

“Over the coming months we will work with ADR Group to help them design an incredible million dollar incentive travel experience for their company,” he said.

“The Million Dollar Memo has already generated over $22.5 million in global publicity for Queensland via both Tourism Queensland and the companies themselves and we estimate the campaign message has reached an audience of around five million, including the entrants’ personal contacts, business networks, customers and suppliers.”

Mr Hayes said incentive travellers spent around 2.5 times that of other travellers and Tourism Queensland hoped the Million Dollar Memo campaign had helped position Queensland as one of the world’s top travel incentive destinations.

“We have a five year strategy aimed at positioning Queensland as a top travel incentive destination and our aim is to ensure that the profile the Million Dollar Memo has given our state will help make sure that when companies that reward their staff with travel incentives are looking for their next destination Queensland is top of mind.”