The Viewpoint - Illegal camping still on the nose
Friday 23 September 2011

The Viewpoint - Illegal camping still on the nose

Another beautiful Port Douglas morning, another bunch of illegal campers found.
This pic was taken early Tuesday morning in the Meridien Marina carpark, with around half a dozen camper vans happily parked on the shopping centre tarmac, occupants stirring from a free night’s slumber.
Fairly harmless, one would think, but if this photo had smell-a-vision, it would whiff a little of urine.
And if you could see the hoards of families streaming into the carpark to take a trip to the reef or visit a marina café for brekky, some would be horrified to see half-naked campers having their morning coffee with van door open.
Remarkably, it seems despite all the media that illegal camping has received recently, the argument over who is responsible for moving on illegal campers is still at a stalemate.
After this The Newsport staffer was advised by police to contact Cairns Regional Council to organise a council officer to move the campers on (as it is CRC who has the authority to fine offenders), a council spokesman was advised to tell us to call police….or the Sheraton…..or security?
Come on authorities, let’s get clear on where the Douglas region stands on illegal camping, before we horrify our other visitors permanently.
Related articles:
Trespassing backpackers living large
Campers rest easy as CRC law stalls
Illegal camping hits record numbers