Spring weather wakes snakes

Thursday 8 September 2011

Spring weather wakes snakes

Queenslanders have been reminded to be on the alert for snakes as the arrival of warmer weather makes the reptiles more active.

State Member for Cook, Jason O'Brien, urged people to steer clear of the reptiles at every opportunity.

“When they’re left alone, snakes present little or no danger to people and by taking a few simple precautions we can reduce the chances of coming into contact with them,”  Mr O'Brien said.

“The important thing to remember if you see a snake is to give it a wide berth and not threaten or provoke it.

“Most people bitten by snakes have threatened the snake by interfering with it or trying to kill it. If left alone for a period, the snake will move on.

Residents who encounter a snake indoors should open external doors and windows, close internal doors and place ‘door snakes’ - or rolled towels - against the bottom of those doors.
If the reptile shows no signs of moving after an hour, residents should contact a licensed snake remover or contact DERM on 1300 130 372, for further advice.

Mr O'Brien said DERM did not remove snakes, but could provide details of contractors who did.

“When it comes to your backyard, the same preparations that apply for storm season will reduce the chances of snakes coming to visit.

“Remove rubbish piles, sheets of tin and stores of timber where snakes might shelter and also keep the grass short. It’s also a good idea to get rid of food sources for snakes or their prey and wear gloves while gardening.”

Mr O'Brien said Queenslanders should be particularly vigilant in the bush.

"When you’re out enjoying the bush, take care and remember that snakes have right of way. Never attempt to pick up any type of reptile."