Primary production protected
Monday 12 September 2011
Primary production protected

The new Protecting Primary Production Amendment Bill 2011 was introduced into Queensland Parliament last week, and aims to strengthen biosecurity and enhace primary production.
Six individual Acts will be amended to ensure they are more effectively operated.
Minister for Agriculture, Food and Regional Economies Tim Mulherin said amendments to the Veterinary Surgeons Act 1936 will enhance biosecurity emergency responses and have benefits for vets and animal owners.
"The changes meet a commitment to be part of the 'National Recognition of Veterinary Registration' allowing Queensland vets to practice interstate without having to go through a separate registration process," Mr Mulherin said.
"The National Registration process also means that if a vet's registration is suspended it is effective nation-wide.
The Agricultural Standards Act 1994 will be tightened to better align with the National Ruminant Feed Ban which prohibits the feeding to stock of restricted animal material to prevent the spread of diseases such as 'mad cow'.
In line with new Parliamentary Committee arrangements, the Bill has been commended to the Environment, Agriculture, Resources and Energy Committee for its consideration.