Power to the pool owners
Friday 16 September 2011
Power to the pool owners

High electricity costs associated with running pool pumps have driven the State Government to release a pool pump efficiency program to help tackle peak power demand.
Residential pool owners can receive a rebate of up to $350 when applying to Ergon Energy to have their pool pump connected to the cheaper Tariff 33 or receive a $250 incentive payment those who purchase an energy-efficient variable or multi-speed drive pool pump.
Minister for Energy, Stephen Robertson said the incentive program had been introduced to coincide with recent changes announced by the Bligh Government, which from July 1, allows pool filtration systems to be connected to Tariff 33 via a standard power point.
"Previously, pool pumps had to be hardwired to Tariff 33, making repairs done by a licensed electrician an expensive exercise," Mr Robertson said.
"The introduction of the new reforms on July 1 should now prompt many pool owners to review how their pool pump is set up.
"About 95 per cent of the 10,000 new pools built in Queensland each year are connected to the continuous supply Tariff 11, which can cost a household about $550 a year in electricity to run.
"Connecting to off-peak Tariff 33 reduces electricity costs, providing typical savings of over $235 a year.”
Mr Stephenson said Tariff 33 was significantly cheaper than the normal, domestic Tariff 11, and supply was still available for at least 18 hours a day.
To take advantage of the new changes to Tariff 33 pool pump socket connections, the pool filtration socket outlet will need to be installed by a licensed electrical contractor and connected to a dedicated circuit.
Existing pool owners should obtain a quote from a licensed electrical contractor to switch their power supply over, the cost will vary depending on how the pool circuit is currently connected.
Mr Stephenson said those choosing to purchase a variable or multi-speed drive pool pump system should expect to pay between $800 and $2000 fully installed, though it depended on the system purchased.
Pool owners are invited to take advantage of one option or both, though only one incentive can be claimed per property.
For more information about Ergon Energy's Pool Pump Energy Efficiency Program, visit www.ergon.com.au or phone 13 10 46.